Online courses

Vous êtes dans l’incapacité de vous déplacer ou loin de nos locaux sur Strasbourg ? Vous souhaitez apprendre le français en autonomie et à votre rythme, tout en bénéficiant du suivi d’un de nos professeurs ?
Nos cours en ligne sont une excellente solution pour vous lancer dans l’apprentissage du français ou pour progresser sans perdre de temps.
Modulaires et efficaces, vous pouvez à tout moment les combiner avec des ateliers spécifiques ou vous inscrire à nos cours en présentiel lorsque vous le désirez.
You would like to study french at your own pace, maintain your level or improve your communication skills without space and time constraints? You are a foreign student and wish to take French courses from home? Thanks to our online courses, you will develop your 4 skills : written production, oral production, written comprehension and oral comprehension. You will have the opportunity to work independently and design your own courses, while being supervised by experienced teachers. Whether you have an intermediate or advanced level of French, our online courses will follow a progression favorable to your learning of French.
Available from the level A1.2 to B2, our online classes are based on the “EDITO” books.
You will get full acces to our platform that allows you to work independently throughout the week (we recommend a minimum of 8 hours of exercise per week). Once a week, you will benefit from 1h30 of videoconference with a teacher for a private lesson. This course will be an opportunity to take stock of your progress in French, to work on the difficulties you have encountered and to set new goals.